Naforye Soft Discover Toys - Teething Blanket and Gluttonous Friend

Our Baby toys are made of soft cotton fabrics, and features bright, captivating colors and various textures and sounds develop baby's hearing. A combination of various materials (different fabrics, soft plastic teether, smooth and rough plastic rings) stimulate baby to explore with his hands and mouth, and delight in grasping, teething, rattling, pulling and more; developing his sense of touch , hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. In our all product containing no heavy metals or other toxic substances; is also AZO and formaldehyde free; and complies with EN71 and ASTM consumer safety standards.

Red Socks Teething Blanket - 99288

Blue Socks Teething Blanket - 99289

Gluttonous Friend Ladybug - 99290

Gluttonous Friend Honeybee - 99291

Gluttonous Friend Pig - 99292

Gluttonous Friend Bear - 99293

Gluttonous Friend Panda - 99294


Now 50% at S$4.20

Now in stocks:

Red Socks Teething Blanket - 1

Blue Socks Teething Blanket - 1

The rest all sold out


All New Materials. CE/ASTM

100% Cotton / TPR / PP / 100% Polyester